Attending your first MUN can be stressful when you are not prepared correctly. Here is a checklist of things you should aim to do if you want to be ready on October 11th:
1. Read the background guide. Thoroughly.
I cannot emphasize this enough - you have to read the background to be the best delegate you can be. It contains important information about the causes, the consequences and the main players of the discussed issue. You should aim to read it in its integrity at least twice before setting foot in the committee room. During discussions, make sure it remains close to you for referencing, either by printing it or putting it on your computer’s desktop.
2. Write your position paper.
Position paper writing encourages you to understand your country’s stance on the issue in dept. It also lets you formulate your arguments in advance so you are ready to argument when the time comes. You should send your position papers at least a week in advance if you want to be considered for the Delegate distinctions.
3. Brush up on the rules of procedure
Rules of procedures are inherent to Model UNs. You can win or lose allies and the assembly's support by getting them wrong - so make sure you know them at least a little and bring reminders with you.
4. Pack Western Business Attire
Western business attire can be quite tricky, and we are currently writing a blog post to help you understand what it is. To make it short, men usually wear suits to MUNs, while women wear a variety of work appropriate dresses, skirts, shirts, and jackets. Ties and heels are not necessary at LawMUN. A MUN is a good occasion to dress up a little, but you don’t have to be overly formal either!
5. Don't forget to have fun!
MUNs are a fantastic learning opportunity. Talk to other delegates and participate to the debate. Do not let nerves prohibit you from enjoying your experience at the Model United Nations!